Позначка: ATF

Міняємо масло в АКПП Шкода Октавія А5

Незважаючи на те, що офіційні дилери і виробники часто стверджують зворотне, заміна масла в АКПП Skoda Octavia A5 просто необхідна. Не треба заколисувати нашу пильність, оскільки агрегат дорогий у ремонті і за ним потрібно уважно стежити. Будь-якому виробнику вигідніше повна заміна автоматичної коробки, ніж профілактика та заміна трансмісійної рідини ATF. Нам такий варіант не підходить, не в германіях живемо, тому змінюватимемо масло в АКПП Шкода Октавія разом з фільтром. Як замінити, коли і що для цього потрібно, розберемося зараз.

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Міняємо масло в АКПП Мазда 3. Технологія та вибір ATF

З 2003 року Мазду 323 змінило нове покоління седанів, універсалів та хетчбеків класу С, Mazda 3. З новим поколінням автомобіля приходять нові технології та нові питання обслуговування. Так було і з Mazda 3. Як замінити масло в АКПП, яке масло краще лити і чи потрібно міняти рідину в автоматі в принципі, з'ясовуємо прямо зараз.

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The right fluid for the automatic transmission. Parameters, permissions and characteristics

An automatic transmission is a useful thing. The technology of building automatic transmissions and producing lubricants for them has reached such a level that you can not think about changing the oil in the automatic for 4-5 years. That's if we buy a new car. If we have a car with a mileage, we have to face the problem of choosing a fluid and the method of its replacement. Both problems cause a lot of questions and we will look for answers right now.

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Ford Focus II: how to change the oil in the automatic transmission 6F35

Automatic transmissions are no less sensitive to lubrication quality than the engine. Some models are even more finicky in this respect. Timely oil replacement in automatic transmission 6F35 Ford Focus 2 guarantees that our automatic transmission will serve at least 200-250 thousand miles without overhaul. Old oil can cause friction clutches to overheat, which will lead to costly repairs. The cost of automatic transmission repair may be at the level of price tags of contractual boxes. Therefore, check the level and condition of ATF in automatic transmission regularly, and replace it if necessary.

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How to change the oil in the automatic transmission Skoda Octavia A5

Despite the fact that official dealers and manufacturers often claim otherwise, an oil change in the Skoda Octavia A5 automatic transmission is simply necessary. There is no need to lull our vigilance, since the unit is expensive to repair and needs to be carefully monitored. It is more profitable for any manufacturer to completely replace the automatic transmission than to prevent and replace the ATF transmission fluid. This option does not suit us, so we will change the lubricant in the Skoda Octavia automatic transmission along with the filter. How to replace, when and what is needed for this, we will figure it out right now.

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How to change the oil in automatic transmission A6MF1 KIA and Hyundai

The Korean automatic transmission A6MF1 is used on a dozen models. Among them are Hyundai Sonata, Kia Sportage, Hyundai Tucson, fresh Kia Soul and Carnival, Sorento. Good machine, but requires respect. When you need to change the oil in an automatic transmission? How to change the ATF in the gearbox, which oil is better to pour, what is there with the automatic transmission filter, we are figuring it out right now.

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How to change the oil in the automatic transmission Mazda 3. Technology and ATF selection

Since 2003, the Mazda 323 has been replaced by a new generation of C-class sedans, station wagons and hatchbacks, the Mazda 3. With the new generation of the car comes new technology and new maintenance issues. Such was the case with the Mazda 3. How to change the oil in the automatic transmission, what is the best oil to use and whether it is necessary to change the liquid in the automatic transmission in principle, we are finding out right now.

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