Позначка: lubricate

Brake pads squeak. Causes and what to do about it

The squeak of brakes in no way can be called pleasant. Firstly, it is unpleasant at a purely physiological level, and secondly, it is already a signal of defects in the brake system. Especially it concerns the newest cars, produced already in new century, when constructors try in every possible way to make every unit and aggregate work without noise. Let's analyze together why the pads squeak, how to struggle with the squeaky brakes and what not to do while replacing and repairing.

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How to properly maintain a brake caliper. What and how and when to lubricate

It's time to stop believing in the fairy tales of auto chemical goods and greases sellers that it is enough to buy one tube of universal grease to service brake calipers. Especially today, when in any self-respecting store you can buy separate grease for brake pads, grease for caliper guides and grease for pistons of the working cylinder. Our job is to understand how to grease the brake caliper and each of its mechanisms separately.

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