Позначка: heater

How to remove and repair the heater motor Nissan Note

Problems with the heater in the Nissan Note are known to all owners. Breakdowns are not frequent, but characteristic of this model and models on the same platform Nissan B that the first generation, the second (E11 and E12). The heater motor on the E11 and E12 sometimes requires maintenance, but for this you need to remove it. How to remove and repair the heater motor on a Nissan Note, let's figure it out together.

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How to completely flush the heater core without removing it. The most reliable way

The problem of a clogged heater core, oddly enough, comes up in the winter. If we have not taken too much care of the cooling system during the warm season, most likely we will have to deal with the cold air from the heater at the first frosts. However, there is a simple, reliable and inexpensive way to clean the heater core from dirt and scale.

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