Позначка: MAF

Робота над помилками: Р0102. Причини та усунення

Чисте повітря в потрібній кількості так само потрібне двигуну, як і паливо. Середнє відношення кисню до бензину становить 14,5:1. Отже, якось цей параметр потрібно контролювати. Чим і займається датчик масової витрати повітря. В іншому разі ми отримаємо збій у роботі двигуна, а на екрані сканера з'явиться помилка Р0102.

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P0102 diagnostic trouble code (DTC): Mass Airflow (MAF) sensor

The engine needs clean air in the right quantity just as much as it needs fuel. The average ratio of oxygen to gasoline is 14.5:1. Hence, somehow this parameter needs to be controlled. That is what the mass airflow sensor does. Otherwise, we will get an engine malfunction, and code P0102 will appear on the scanner screen.

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Code OBD2 P0171, how to check and reset, solutions

Mysterious error codes, which are displayed on the scanners' monitors, sometimes baffle drivers. In fact, all car electronics simply fixes malfunctions, and we are left to deal with them ourselves. Error code P0171, which is produced by engines of Nissan, Mazda, Opel or Toyota, means that the mixture in the combustion chamber is too lean. Let's figure out how to reset the error and fix the problem right now.

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Fault code P2096 OBDII. How to fix, solutions

The appearance of error P2096 is associated with the fixation of exceeding the limit of fuel-air ratio control. This is the official wording of many manufacturers, and what the error code p2096 means, how to solve it, what leads to its occurrence and how to reset - we will understand together.

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