Позначка: B3

Опора стійки амортизатора Audi 80, VW (B3, B4). Діагностика, заміна

Опора амортизатора на автомобілях Audi 80 B3 та B4, а також VW Passat B3,B4 (передня підвіска абсолютно однакова) здатна відпрацювати як мінімум 70-80 тисяч км пробігу. А зазвичай і більше. Проте багато хто з водіїв скаржаться на малий ресурс опори стійки амортизатора Ауді. Чому так відбувається, яку опору амортизатора краще купити, та як її замінити правильно, розбиратимемось далі.

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Обслуживаем VW Passat B3: замена и правильный выбор тормозных колодок

Автомобили Фольксваген Пассат уже более 30 лет радуют владельцев надежностью и долговечностью. Но, как и любому автомобилю, ему приходится менять расходные запасные части, такие как тормозные колодки, передние или задние. Это простая процедура, не требующая специальных знаний. Но существует одна особенность, учитывая которую, нужно выбирать колодки по артикулу.

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External CV joint of Audi 80 B3 – replacement, malfunctions, selection

The old 80 is famous as a reliable and not too fastidious car. Many people say that they don't make such cars today, and in some respects they are right. They don't make them for twenty years already. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of Hundreds and Eighties produced in the late 90's and early 2000's continue to run on our roads. These cars are loved, but there is no hurry to part with them. One of the unpleasant surprises that an Audi 80 V3 can throw up is the destruction of a CV joint, internal or external. Today, let's look at how to remove and replace an external CV joint on an Audi 80, how to choose a good one, and how to install it back correctly without mistakes.

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Audi 80, VW (B3, B4) shock absorber strut support. Diagnostics, replacement

The shock absorber support on Audi 80 B3 and B4 cars, as well as VW Passat B3, B4 (the front suspension is exactly the same), can work for at least 70-80 thousand kilometers. And usually more. However, many drivers complain about the fragility of the Audi shock absorber strut support. We will analyze why this happens, which shock absorber support is better to buy, and how to replace it correctly below.

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VW Passat B3: replacement and correct choice of brake pads

Volkswagen Passat cars have been making owners happy for more than 30 years with their reliability and durability. But, like any car, it has to change consumable spare parts, such as VW brake pads, front or rear. This is a simple procedure that does not require special knowledge. But there is one peculiarity, taking into account which you need to choose the pads by article number.

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