Категорія: Ремзона

Ball joint replacement on Mitsubishi Outlander XL. Which one is better, prices

The front suspension on the Mitsubishi Outlander XL is quite durable. On our beautiful roads silentblocks can withstand even 100-110 thousand kilometers of run. Replacement of ball joint on Mitsubishi Outlander may be necessary a little earlier, although their service life is not regulated by anything. We'll show you how to change the ball joints with your own hands quickly and without mistakes.

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VW Golf 3. Меняем радиатор печки самостоятельно

Гольф 3 в 90-х годах завоевал бешеную популярность в Европе, а позже и в России, за счет своей практичности, надежности и простоты конструкции. Сейчас самому молодому Гольфу 3 около 21 года, а это значит, что сломаться может буквально все. Одним из слабых мест у этой модели считается радиатор отопителя.

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Ground clearance Dacia Duster: how to increase correctly, the characteristics of the suspension

If to treat Dacia Duster not as a parket car, but as an off-roader, the ground clearance put to it can be not enough. On the other hand, Duster has never been and cannot be the car for serious lack of roads, not Toyota Land Cruiser. First, it has no frame body design, second, transmission and engines are obviously not designed for high loads, and third, suspension parameters though allow making some changes in ground clearance parameters, but it has its limit. How to increase the ground clearance on the Dacia Duster, what it is at all and what the consequences can be with an illiterate approach to the issue - all this we will consider right now.

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VW Passat B3: replacement and correct choice of brake pads

Volkswagen Passat cars have been making owners happy for more than 30 years with their reliability and durability. But, like any car, it has to change consumable spare parts, such as VW brake pads, front or rear. This is a simple procedure that does not require special knowledge. But there is one peculiarity, taking into account which you need to choose the pads by article number.

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Skoda Octavia III: how to clean the fuel filter and replace the gas pump

The trend in modern automotive engineering and architecture of assemblies and units is to bind as many consumables as possible into one unit, solder, glue, make them indissoluble. This is understandable. It is more profitable for the manufacturer to sell parts in modules, not individually. It is more advantageous for us to replace one gasket, than to change the whole assembly. The same story with the gas pump on the Skoda Octavia III (A7).

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EGR valve on Lanos: problems and solutions

The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve on used Lanos has long been the subject of research by many drivers. Regardless of its design and engine type, sooner or later the question arises whether to plug the EGR valve, repair it, or install a new one. Of course, the environment is important, but nerves are more expensive.

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Заміна паливного фільтра та бензонасоса Renault/Dacia Duster 2,0l

Як заявляє Рено-Ніссан, паливний фільтр і насос здатні відпрацювати протягом усього терміну служби двигуна. Насправді, з якістю бензину, який продають на наших заправках, оглядають бензонасос Дастера, проводять заміну або профілактику щонайменше раз на 40-60 тисяч км пробігу. Ось і розберемося з тим, як перевірити роботу насоса і за необхідності провести заміну своїми руками.

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Dacia Duster. Knocking front suspension, what to do

Noise, squeaking and knocking in the front suspension of the Dacia Duster does not always indicate a critical malfunction. However, it all depends on the mileage and spare parts that were previously installed. More precisely, on their quality and the qualifications of the craftsman who installed them. How to check the suspension of Dacia Duster itself and calculate the source of the knock, we understand right now.

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Меняем топливный насос на Поло. Инструкция и рекомендации

Любая комплектующая любого автомобиля способна выйти из строя – очевидный факт, которым пренебрегают многие и многие сталкиваются с этим в самый неподходящий момент. Сейчас разберемся с тем, как заменить топливный насос на Volkswagen Polo sedan – автомобиле, который часто встречается на отечественных дорогах и стал полноправным членом клуба бестселлеров бюджетной категории.

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Наш Ланос: заміна ременя ГРМ на двигуні A15SMS, 8 кл

Заміна ременя ГРМ на 1.5-літровому 8-клапанному двигуні Деу Ланос – стандартна процедура та добре відома власникам популярного мотора A15SMS. Простий, надійний та витривалий двигун також встановлювався на Шевроле Авео та Деу Нексія. Проте у процесі обслуговування приводу розподільного вала та заміні ременя часом виникають складнощі, які ми зараз розглянемо.

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